Thursday, February 01, 2007

Field Trip - Stage 1

My wife and I had a great opportunity to hang out with the rest of the staff and their spouses yesterday in downtown Chicago. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry and checked out the Body Works 2 exhibit. That was a very cool experience!

This gallery holds more than 20 deceased bodies of men, women, a colt, a couple camels and some birds. You get to see how the body works, what the tissues and organs look like (not necessarily for the faint hearted), how ligaments and tendons work, etc. All of it is real, but the water and fat has been replaced with a pliable plastic.

That kind of gets a bit sad, especially for my wife - these were all real people, real bodies during various development stages and ages. They once were alive, but no more. Now they teach people about the mysteries of the human body. God just continually amazes me!

Anyway, a great time - especially hanging with my wife and my friends. More later.


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