Friday, March 07, 2008

The Votes Are In!

You voted.

I listened.

The crowder stays... for a while.

At least my chin stays warm!


Kathryn Egly said...

i forgot to vote, but i think keeping it's a good idea! I don't know if i'd recognize you otherwise!

Anonymous said...

Good Idea, Son-please your wife!!

Anonymous said...


I find your commitment to your crowder nothing short of awe-inspiring. For years, I have succumbed to the pressure of society and regularly shaved my chin. Sure I felt guilty, sure I wanted to let those whiskers grow, but I thought nobody would understand. But no more, my hairy-chinned friend! Your bold pursuit of facial hair regardless of the personal cost has inspired me! In fact, I am dedicating myself to growing my own crowder as a living tribute to you and your example of courage... that is until Paula complains and makes me shave!

Ever your faithful friend,