Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Life on Mars

Did you know that we are continuing to search for life on Mars even though we've been there via probe enough to know none currently exists? There are stories and movies about life in space - aliens and creatures from other planets. Some are friendly (ET) and and some not (War of the Worlds). Why do we keep searching? Is it because we feel lonely? Do we have such a need to feel like we are not alone in the universe that we have to keep searching out in space for a 'friend'?

There must be something innate within us that desires to know of and know about something greater than ourselves, something bigger and beyond our existence. We look for it our whole lives in some form or fashion. As a Jesus-follower, I know this is true since God said it was the case from the beginning. When He created everything, He saw that it was 'not good for man to be alone'. All the creatures of the earth had come to Adam and no suitable companion was found. We have a deep need inside of us to have someone outside of ourselves to relate to - it's natural.

Many of us find times when we feel alone - very alone. That no one knows who or where we are nor do they care. Times when our existence seems to not make sense. I don't have all the answers as to why we feel like that, except that God put the need for us to seek out community with others into our very soul. Without it, we would wander this earth, never needing or seeking out others to relate to - life really would be pointless. But because He wants us to seek out Him, to have a relationship with Him, we step out and take risks and search for Him (and find other people along the way). I find it interesting that God said it is not good for man to be alone, though Adam walked and talked with the Creator. While God has promised to be with those who follow Him until the very end, He knows that we also need each other.

If you're feeling alone, do what you were designed from the beginning of time to do... look for life outside of yourself. Take a risk and get to know someone else. Take a chance and find a community, a small group, a neighbor with whom you can begin a relationship. They take time to build but it's what you were made for.

There may not be life on Mars (??) but there is life all around you waiting for contact.


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