Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sticks and Stones...

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me..."

Remember that from when you were a kid? I do. Totally not true. I'll admit that sticks and stones will hurt but words have the power to build or crush like no weapon can.

I'm a words of affirmation guy - you can make or break me with words and maybe that's why I'm so sensitive to them. I'm also not perfect in how I use words with others but I try very hard to choose my words carefully.

When Kristen and I were preparing for the birth of our first child, we talked a lot about the things we wanted to make sure we did as parents - our word choices were one of those goals. We knew that there would be plenty of opportunities for the world to tear them down and we didn't want that to be something they remembered from their parents. We remind them of the importance of the words they use regularly.

For example, we use terms like "good choices" and "bad choices" instead telling them they are good or bad. It seems like something so minor yet how do you overcome when someone tells you that you are a bad? How does that affect their view of God? Well if I'm bad then either God makes bad things too so he doesn't make sense OR God can't love me because he only loves what is good. The point is that you can teach, talk and even provide discipline in a way that keeps the value of a person intact - word choice is key.

You might think this is being pretty picky but all I'm
saying is that words are important.
Words are powerful.

How are you using your words today?
Are you building up or tearing down with what you say?

Your words, your choice - someone might not remember a gift you gave them or a lot of the experiences you had together, but a word can remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Especially if they are anything like me.



Nathan said...

I agree life and death are in the tongue. What we say can either build up or tear down.

Bill Curley said...

An older quote to ponder:
"The pen is mightier than the sword". This is still true; witness the fantastic accomplishments of American Arms overseas and the way we are portrayed in the news media. Vietnam was lost by the Media and not by our forces. The same trend is developing in Iraq today.

Anonymous said...

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can break my heart... too true

Anonymous said...

Wow Mike, that was pretty powerful. Very True. I have to admit that too many times I don't think before I speak and it's something I really need to work on.

Anonymous said...

I have often prayed that God would completely remove from my kids' memories anything hideous I've said.