Monday, September 08, 2008

Back To School

So my kids started full-time back to school this morning. My wife and I homeschool our kids (mostly my wife to be honest... she's brilliant). They've been doing math, reading and science over the summer but now they kick into full gear. I have very smart kids, bu they also get overwhelmed a bit with the beginning of school - which is funny since they never really stop.

Unfortunately, my wife gets a little overwhelmed as well.

This is the same woman who also hasn't stopped schooling them and who mentors other homeschooling parents through tough times of schooling their kids.

I love all of them very much and am confident they can accomplish the tasks they have ahead of them. They just have to beat the mental game part. The tasks aren't really changing, but the mindset has changed.

Do you do this? Do you find yourself stressing or getting frustrated about a project or a task, only to find it's more of a mental challenge than anything?


JonesGardenBlog said...

I find myself mentally challenged on a number of issues.


Anonymous said...

Working with your mind is hard work. Learning, teaching: both hard work.

In engineering school it became very easy to get overwhelmed mentally since there are so many things to be done every day for every class.

What I learned was not to get too caught up with the whole "multitasking" thing and forget to focus on the task hat hand. I have found that proper multitasking involves switching focus from task to task as opposed to trying to focus on all tasks all the time.

Now, this is far easier to say than do so all my happy thoughts and prayers for today are with Kristen and the kids.

Anonymous said...

I find myself very overwhelmed at times, especially when facing tasks that seem complex, or time-consuming.

I am slowly learning that if I just do a little bit - take the first step, or map the first steps - the feelings of "it's too much!" subside, and I'm able to collect small bits of accomplishment that lead to bigger pieces of accomplishment.

Breaking it down into smaller tasks always gives me a feeling of control and accomplishment.

Kristen is such a strong role model of organization, patience, and grace; I think she's amazing. I'm sure the school room will be rockin' in no time.