Friday, September 19, 2008

INNOVATE08 - Missional Moves

Rob Wegner on the mic at Innovate this morning.

Here's the skinny of it...

Most people think being a christian is how we get out of trouble with God.

Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God... what is a kingdom?
Most either answer external things or internal realities.

Thy kingdom come -> Jesus definition is the place on earth where God's will is done as it is in heaven. Bringing the up there down here.

Missional move 1: from saved souls to saved wholes.
- verbal proclamation - what happens on the weekends through message and arts.
- demonstration proclamation - doing something about the things that are broken in this world: the lost, the hurting, the dying, the hungry, the homeless, the poor.

Missional move 2: from "flashlight" to "laser" focus
More is not better. Don't confuse the great commission with the great commotion.
Narrow our focus - Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Ends of the Earth (local access, domestic access, cross cultural, international)

Narrowing our focus dramatically increased our impact.
Narrowing our focus helped build ownership.

Missional move 3: Professionals to full participation.
Mobilizing people to get them out of their seats and into the story.
Things that keep people from doing this: Fear and Busyness.

God is calling us to a bare-fisted brawl with evil - calling us to live dangerously for him.

Our God reigns! May we proclaim that in our communities.

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