Saturday, January 03, 2009

Breaking the Silence

New Year. New Post... Really!

No this blog is not dead. Just neglected it a bit. I see it everyday and know that it's there but so much has happened over the last several months.

I actually started feeling a little overwhelmed...haven't posted in a while, what should I write about? It has to be something good to bring people back to reading it (though I am honored that many of you have continued to be faithful).

As a start, I wanted to share some pics from our Christmas Eve services at the Orchard (courtesy of Jen Cresse).



JonesGardenBlog said...

Very cool my brother! Glad to see that you are still out there.

Anonymous said...

yay!! Honey-you're back!

Bill Curley said...

I enjoy your thoughts and comments. Please try to continue this medium (it took me a long time to adjust to this- don't go only to bigger and better things such as Twit or?).

JonesGardenBlog said...

Gone again?

Anonymous said...

Hey-your silence wasn't broken for very long-where'd you go?

jamey johnson said...

Hey Mike, it's great to hear that your doing duch a awesome job @ the Orchard...keep leading my brother and God bless (from one of Scott's long time homies).