Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Kids Are Smudged

We've been in a series at The Orchard called Smudged.

It's all about the lenses we see life through and how sometimes we allow those lenses to get smudged, which in turn affects how we see different areas of our life. Once your lenses are smudged, you see things only through those smudged lenses and not necessarily how they really are. Anyway, you can check out the podcasts here.

This weekend we talked about our kids and our parents and us as parents. Now, being a part of the creative planning team, I get a glimpse and even get to help create the message concept for the weekends. This message still kicked me in the chest. Seriously check out the podcast. Though we also did the Ugly Kid Joe version of the song Cats In The Cradle before the message. It aided in building the tension for the talk to resolve. Hard song to sing for me because I have found myself saying things like the lyrics in the song to my own kids, for seemingly good reasons. I've even found myself saying things like that to my own parents when they have wanted to see me or spend time with me. It's hard being a grown up sometimes.

We used the analogy of scaffolding to illustrate how we can say words of empowerment, pray for our kids, and give them examples to learn from so that their lives will go far beyond our own. By doing these things, we build scaffolding in our kids lives so that with each generation, they become better leaders, better Christ-followers than the last.

Two things impacted me as we talked about building scaffolding in our kids lives. I have not given my parents enough credit for building scaffolding in my life. For years I focused on things I shouldn't have and at the same time did not celebrate them for the encouragement, prayers and support they have given me over my life. I know they are proud of me and have said as much. I know they believe I have what it takes. I know that many others did not grow up in a loving home like I did. While my parents were not perfect any more than I am as a parent. Parenting is hard, but I think they did the best they knew how to do and I have learned a wealth of great things from them. Mom and Dad - thank you for all that you have taught me and shared with me.

This message also inspired me to take the time and opportunity to ensure my sons know that I whole-heartedly believe they have what it takes. That they can undoubtedly accomplish anything they set their mind to. Does it mean they won't fail - absolutely not and they will probably fail a lot. They have seen me do this. They have seen me make mistakes, which is good. They need to know that a mistake is not the end of the world but a learning point if you handle it correctly. I believe though that they will also see success in the areas that God has purposed and designed them for. I pray for open eyes for them to see that direction and for me as their dad to see that and support that as well. I pray that for all of my kids.

For my girls, I want the same things for them as I do for my wife... that they know without a doubt that they are beautiful and that they are worthy to be pursued. I want them to know that they are special and wonderfully made and that no one can take that from them. God has given them that and it goes beyond the outside but stretches in to their heart. I also pray for them to be able to accomplish their dreams and to dream big.

I am very proud of my kids - not because of their accomplishments but because they are my sons and daughters.

Thanks for letting me get that out so that I can swallow this lump in my throat down.


Kathryn Egly said...

Great post Mike! Your kids are blessed to have you as their daddy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being the kind of kids you all were. We did not have life stopping problems with you and your brothers. We are very blessed. My parents always instilled in me that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to, I never doubted that and I never wanted you kids to doubt that. You and Kristen are excellent parents-your children know that they are loved, they are secure and they are a joy to be around-not just because they are my grandchildren. They have a strong belief in the Lord in their lives and it is evident. No parent is perfect-only God. If we do things His way it turns out the way He wants it to. It is all under His control. He is telling His story through us-isn't that exciting?! May God bless you, Son and yes, I am very proud of you and the way I see God working mightily in your life. All I can do is thank Him-everyday.

Anonymous said...

As I have gotten older, my lenses have changed how I view my parents also. Maybe as in life, the more we grow, the more we need to adjust our focal prescription. Before I was a parent I was scared to death of being just like my parents. Now that I am a parent, I see why they did much of what they did--good and bad. And I also now see how much scaffolding they did build even though I didn't recognize it at the time. Good post and great series all around.