Monday, September 04, 2006

The Croc Hunter No More

My family and I were pretty shocked tonight to hear that Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, died today in Australia during a film shoot. He was killed by a sting from a stingray, though they are not usually fatal. Apparently The Croc Hunter was too close to a stingray that struck him with a poison barb (found on their tail) that went between his ribs and pierced him directly in his heart. The odds of this happening seem pretty staggering.

My kids really enjoyed Steve and his shows... I know he will be missed by many. We talked about and prayed for his kids who are only 8 and 3. Life is short and you never know when your time on earth will be up. This guy swam with all kinds of creatures, caught and got up close to the most poisonous snakes and critters in the world, and he dies from something that is not supposed to be life-threatening. I've been thinking about some things since we heard about Steve's untimely death:

  1. Don't be afraid to risk doing what you have a passion for. Doing what you love may come with risks, but so does driving your car (or motorcycle).
  2. Live everyday on purpose... you never know when it may be your last.
  3. When you are passionate about what you do, everyone knows it.

It's funny how people think that taking risks in life to seize moments of great opportunity is too dangerous... What if I fail? What if I get hurt? What if I mess up? If everyday could be our last, shouldn't we be willing to go above and beyond to live each one to its fullest?

Here's a link to the news story about Steve.



Anonymous said...

Are you Mike Jones, the rapper?

Anonymous said...

saw your post on Chris Hodge's blog.
We are neighbors somewhat.

Anonymous said...

He will be missed by alot of Joneses!