Thursday, November 09, 2006


As I was riding my motorcycle this morning on this beautiful Spring, I mean Fall day here in Chicagoland, I was thinking about intersections.

One path crossing another.
Lives crossing each other, possibly never to cross again.

What about other intersections?

You know, the person walking their dog that passes you on the street.
The person who takes your order at the restaurant you go to.
The voice on the speaker-box when you order your Starbucks to go.

So many places. So many people. So many intersections.

Ever wonder how one of these intersections might change one of those peoples lives just by how you interact with them?
How might it affect your life by how you interact with someone in an intersection?

Intersections can be dangerous and risky.
Sometimes we are afraid to spend too much time in an intersection for fear of getting hurt.
Sometimes we're too afraid to risk.

There are even times when our family lives become intersections that we don't spend enough time in.

Take a risk and spend some time in an intersection today. You never know how a life might be changed by an intersection today.



Anonymous said...

Good word.

Anonymous said...

I was on the train Friday night and it was delayed for hours. So, I interesected with two business people on the train. Turns out that one of those people actually lived less than 5 houses from me growing up and we were able to share about our childhood and neighborhood. It was a great conversation and we ended up giving him a ride back with us. So, take a chance when you get to an may be pleasantly surprised. He even was able to share a story about a pastor we all know...Its a small world...just look right and left before you drive through.