Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great Posts About Todd

There are a lot of things happening right now and I'm trying not to have every blog post or twitter be about my friend Todd. That's hard to do, as he had a big impact on me and many, many others.

I'm looking for stories... stories about Todd. Moments of influence, of encouragement. Times of strength and inspiration. I would love to be able to pass these stories on to Paula and her boys.

My wife shared a couple on her blog

If you have others or links to other blogs that share things about Todd, would you please post those?

Thanks everyone.


LauraOM said...

Here's mine:

LauraOM said...

Mike, the staff and volunteers here have been praying for Paula and the boys. One of the volunteers came to me with a scripture verse. I'd like to share it with you and you can share it then with paula.

John 14:28

"You have heard me say to you, 'I am going away and coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would rejoice because I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for my Father is greater then I."

Thanks bro. Praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

It's hard nbot to have everything be about Todd when you are hurting. My prayers are on all of you. Psalm 116:15 says "precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints". The angels are rejoicing and Todd is probably playing the drums in the most awesome praise band ever. God bless you, precious Son!

Anonymous said...

A couple come to mind. My first time singing with the Orchard was a little scary doing a lead vocal on a rockin' tune. Everyone was great to me but Todd continued the encouragement off the stage, into the lobby, down the halls comparing me to Kelli Clarkson which always cracked me up.

My oldest daughter has a hard time in new situations so when she entered Wahabu for the first time she was practically paralyzed. She very much wanted to be the super seat prize winner. And it was Todd who came walking down the hall as if he were bragging on his own kid the week Maddie finally got the super seat prize. I will so miss his encouragement. He was a worship team super fan!

Pete , Theresa said...

I didn’t know Todd as well or as long as I would have liked to. When we talked it was mostly about the music we had just played. I remember how intimidated I was jamming with him the first time. Here was this awesome drummer and I had to learn how to keep up with him on bass guitar. Good thing for me is that he was always willing to help me learn, gently letting me know when I had messed up and giving me kudos when I got it right.

But the thing I remember most about Todd was his passion for his family and friends. It was a quiet, reserved passion, but there was no mistaking it.

Yeah, I remember Todd as quiet and reserved. Well……except when he was playing drums. I think my ears are still ringing from the last time we played together.

I hope the ringing in my ears never fades away.


Anonymous said...

The images that are stuck in my head are from fairly recent events. There is Todd, holding a giggling Kylee upside down in the church lobby with her brothers and Sam and Luke all jumping up and down: "Me next! Me next!..." They too were shook upside down, and giggling, in the church lobby that day with Paula telling Todd to "Be careful with those children!"

There is Todd, at a baseball game, leading three of us on a charge to the last of the Hagen Daas bars.

There are many more, Todd listening to anything I might need to talk through with that completely engaged and caring look on his face. There is Todd, finding the perfect opportunity to point out something hilarious, even if we are supposed to have a "serious face" at the moment.

I have never met anyone so talented at enjoying life even in the toughest times. He brought out the best in me, and challenged me to do better. Todd helped me become a better follower of Jesus by simply living it himself. I am forever grateful.