Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stage Pics: From the Current Becoming Series

Becoming... everyone is becoming something, who are you becoming?

This has been a great series so far and we've been able to expand creatively with some decor and elements that we haven't done in some time.

Here are a few of my favorite set pics from the last couple of weeks along with a link to the rest on Picasa (photos by Dan Andersen).



Anonymous said...

You know, I was drawn to the Orchard and its sense of authentic worship music before we had all the lights and screens and stuff. I'm happy to see that the addition of artistic staging and lighting hasn't clouded the authenticity. You guys have done a great job of using the creative tools well.

alex mclean said...

looks amazing! I love the candles, the placement of people all over the stage. just a great vibe...

Anonymous said...

Those pictures could easily be from a stage in a 5000 seat venue. Cool.

Anonymous said...

looks fantastic Mike!
blessings to you, sir.