Thursday, January 04, 2007

Rained Out

It was raining tonight...
you know, because it's winter in the Chicago area and we should be having snow (global warming - who knew?) but instead we had a torrential downpour.

About half-way home tonight, my wipers stop working.
Ever try to drive in pouring rain
without windshield wipers, in the dark?

Did I mention that one of my headlights is half-full of water and therefore not functioning? Neither are my hazard lights.

Quite an interesting experience to say the least.
Hope your drive home was better.



Anonymous said...

How can you POSSIBLY be street legal?

Mike Jones said...

Actually I keep trying to fix all of those things... they just haven't managed to stay fixed. I think I might finally need a mechanic!

Anonymous said...

The only reason I married Charlie was to fix my car...don't ya know:) I guess after 25 years I still need alot of fixing!