Thursday, July 26, 2007


How I lead today will not be effective tomorrow.

Powerful statement.
If this is true,
how do I prepare today
to be an effective leader tomorrow?



Anonymous said...

So if you were more effective today than yesterday, then we should have scheduled my coaching session today, or wait... tomorrow...wait.... but...

Bill Curley said...

I believe that the basic principles of leadership have not changed, EVER. That which made Alexander, Genghis Khan, and Lincolin great leaders were all the same formula. The only things that change are some of the methods that are employed to carry out these principles. Reading about these people does help to see how to lead but may be difficult to adopt.

Anonymous said...

if you believe that statement is true, then read Revolution by George Barna. We as Christians need to be ready for change whether we like it or not. This book is a must read as leaders and as Christians.