Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ant Bully Birthday

I want to give a shout out to my 6 year-old, Seth! We had a great day eating cake with bugs on it (the gummy kind of course), hanging with some of Seth's friends and watching the movie Ant Bully. Seth was given the honorary title of Junior Projection Technician and got to start the movie for us all to see (pretty cool actually).

Hard to believe this guy is six years old now. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital for the first time. My first son... I thought life was crazy having a couple of daughters, and then this guy comes along! He has been a blessing in my life and the life of our family. He's a really fun guy to hang out with. Him and I play video games together (Star Wars Legos is his favorite), wrestle and just hang together. I call him my homey.

I can already see that God has gifted him with a generous heart. He loves to give things away to friends or his siblings. He laughs a lot and thinks he is pretty funny trying to pop out from behind things to scare other family members... He's got his Mom a few times (his sisters and brother aren't fond of this little trait of his either).

I can also say that this little dude will be-friend anyone and within minutes. Everywhere we go he ends up 'claiming' a new friend. It's a pretty neat thing to see in person and I hope it's something that he hangs on to as he grows older.

So Seth, Happy Birthday! I hope and pray you have an awesome year and many more! I can't wait to see all the great things God is going to do through your life to impact this world. I'm proud of you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son is sandwiched by a sister on each side. It has been very cool watching him become a little man by teasing them almost mercilessly, while at the same time protecting them from "things that go bump in the night".

I'm humbled by the responsibility of raising a son. I pray he'll be a better man than I.

Rock on!