Monday, February 25, 2008


My wife just watched some sasquatch Discovery Channel show and is totally freaked out.

She can't figure out why no one has tranquilized and studied one of these things.

While I love her tremendously, this is the same woman who thinks us landing on the moon is a conspiracy. Let's see... landing on the moon... no. Sasquatch real... yes.

The videos are kind of interesting, AND whether real or not - are they that scary? My wife says yes.



Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I lurk around here quite a bit, but I had to jump in on this one.

This is awesome! I live in Southern Oregon where Sasquatch is huge legend here. They say he lives in our forests. we actually have a trap a couple of miles from town that was built to try and catch him. Hilarious.

Go to wikipedia and search for Bigfoot trap. Also we did some videos for our church last year up there at the trap. If you want to check the place out on video, look at my youtube page and watch one of the Urban Legends videos...

And tell your wife that no sasquatch were hurt in the filming of our videos :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kristen.

I've been afraid of Bigfoot ever since the 6 million dollar man episode when I was a kid.

I still don't like to go outside in the dark.

Even in the suburbs.

Anonymous said...

The Sasquatch videos were taken on the moon. She almost had it correct.

I'm less concerned by Sasquatch than I am the pack of coyotes that have been yipping around our neighborhood the past week.