Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day


My kids love this day and look forward to it for some reason, which is odd since they're homeschooled and we don't really do a whole lot for it.

Scott had a nice little blog post about it today for you to check out.

And if you think his is good, you should check out Perry Noble's post... excellent! I love my wife year round and we date each other weekly (or at least every other week), so why should this day be any different. She's my best friend and the person I grow more in love with every day - I pray that I don't show her this only one day out of the year!

Maybe for some relationships, it either helps them get started or is a nice reminder.

ok... I did get my wife a card though :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok-you can say and think what ever you want, as long as you got her a card-trust me-it is a woman thing!