Thursday, December 07, 2006

Leadership Lessons I'm Learning 1

Everyone has the potential to become a leader.
Every leader has limitations; a ceiling to their abilities.
Some ceilings can be raised by the leader themselves.
Some limitations have to be overcome by the help of other leaders.

Are you a leader? Your effectiveness as a leader, whether you're the leader of a family or an organization, is dependent on your leadership ability. Your leadership ability has limits, but some of these limits or ceilings can be raised, increasing your ability to lead effectively.

Leaders, if you want to be more effective at leading others, you need to start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do you know what your limitations are as a leader?
  • Have you identified what leadership skills and qualities you are limited in?
  • Is your leadership ceiling related to your circumstances or external things?
  • Which of those ceilings can you raise up yourself and which do you need help in raising?
  • Of those you lead, can you identify someone who you can pass on this leadership technique to?
**Based on leadership principles taught by John Maxwell.

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