Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hair It Goes

This is just to confirm to some of you doubters that I did once have way more hair on my head than on my chin! This picture was about halfway through my long-hair growth process.

It sucks that my hair gets buzzed now, though I'm learning to live with it. I die a little inside with every hair that leaves my scalp :)

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty much all I have to say!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My hair has NEVER looked that good. Man, some guys have all the luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey brother, I have an alternative. It's called a Mach 3 and some shaving soap. Classic.

I'm diggin' the new old job!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!!!! I am completely, utterly speechless!

Anonymous said...

Your nephew says that you look like a girl. If only he would have seen you in real life. Then he would REALLY start to wonder about you!

Anonymous said...

once i got past the hair, i noticed that you have very pretty features!